How To Launch Xcode On Mac

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A short preface:

  1. Apple Xcode For Mac
  2. How To Download Xcode
  3. Download Xcode 11 For Mac

Apple wants me to use XCode directly on a Xamarin cross-platform iOS project to build, deploy and debug it. Using VS I can build, deploy and debug the project, but if I load the project directly on the build MAC using XCode and try to run the project I am encountering a number of errors, the first being the Info.plist not being present and then the Entitlements.plist. If you prefer the terminal, using Xcode is the fastest and easiest way to start working with Git. Its command-line tools include Git in the package. Users who don't have Xcode can install it with a single command: xcode-select -install. With Xcode running on your Mac, you can check whether Git is also available by prompting for the Git version. This article will tell you how to use Xcode to create a swift project, then you can develop iOS app in it. But before start, you should install Xcode in your mac os. Create Swift Project In Xcode Steps. Start Xcode editor, then click File — New — Project menu item at top menu How To Create A Swift Project In Xcode Read More ».

I would like to write an Xcode Source Editor Extension (new in Xcode 8) that, when triggered, launches a companion Mac application I am writing, and passes the Mac application the lines of the source file the user was viewing when they triggered the extension.

The helper Mac application would then provide the user with an interface for performing it's editing features. When the user is done with their changes, they press some sort of a 'Save' or 'Commit' button, and the changes are then propogated back to the Xcode extension, and then back to the original source file itself.

What I have so far:

I have created a bare-bones Mac application for my helper mac app. All it does currently is, in it's applicationDidFinishLaunching(.) implementation in it's Application Delegate, attempts to build a string of the passed in launch arguments, and display that string as the message body of an alert. See below (note I've tried using both ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments as well as CommandLine.arguments) :

I have created a fairly boiler-plate Xcode extension that, when invoked via the perform(with .) function, launches my companion Mac helper app. I have tried launching the helper app several ways, including:

Using NSWorkSpace's launchApplication(at: options: configuration:) :

How To Launch Xcode On Mac

Using a custom Process instance to run a bash command, trying both 'open' and 'fork':

The Problem

I have archived / exported the helper Mac app and put it in the Applications folder. When I build and run the Xcode extension and test it out, the helper Mac app successfuly launches, but it never gets the custom launch arguments in applicationDidFinishLaunching(.).

I have read in several places, including the documentation for the constant keys for NSWorkSpace's configuration options here: that 'This constant is not available to sandboxed apps.'

When I run the same bash from Terminal:

open -b com.something.TestMacApp --args --foo='bar'

The helper app successfuly reads in the passed --args and displays them in the alert.My fear is this simply isn't possible due to App Sandboxing, but I'm hoping there is another solution that I'm missing. Some other alternative approaches that would also work if they're possible:

1. Instead of a helper Mac application, if it is possible to make the Xcode extension itself have an interface, then that would solve the problem right there. However I don't believe this is possible.

2. I could also perhaps launch the helper Mac app, and then communicate with it after it is launched, although again I think perhaps the sandboxing issue may come into play.

For what its worth, I am primarily an iOS developer.

Apple Xcode For Mac

Thanks for any help,

- Adam Eisfeld

All the steps for newbies.

The Machine


To run Xcode for programming, you need an Apple computer.

System Requierment: Intel Processor.

Chrome 42 download mac. You can use an iMac, Mac Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro or Mac mini.

You can not use Xcode on an iOS device like an iPhone or iPad.

Programming is not CPU consuming. Compile Time is a litle bit more.

For starters … it's not nesserary to have a New Super Power Mac

'OS – Operating System'

Always use the latest version of OS X and Xcode.

Download Xcode in your Mac from the 'App Store' for Free.

The Developer Acount

Imusic 2 2 0 2. 'Apple Developer Programs'

You don't need an acount to try Xcode … it's Free.

The need to have to pay for a Developer Acount is needed, if you want to sell your app (like 0.99 cents).

The ratio of earning is 70% for you and 30% for Apple.

But …

The Apple's Developer Programs give you access to more like all the video from the Keynote.

Here's the link where to start:

Learn how to code

'Learning code'

The big Buzz … those days it's

It's a 2000 hrs FREE courses.

You'll pass through all the programming languages common used

Your work will be recognized by Linked In


  • Code.Org (For Kids and Big Kids) – FREE!


The Training

'Where to start learning'

Here's a couple of very good place that i like.

  • Code.Org (For Kids and Big Kids) – FREE!

Note: Pluralsight is new for me. It's in the list because I want to follow Simon Allardice. He've made a lot of tutorial for programming and when was sold to Linkedin and the to Microsoft, he made a switch to Pluralsight.

He's in my mind the reference in teaching for programming in general. Really Talented Person.

The Bookshelf

'Where to start reading'

There's a couple of very good books that i like:

  • Test iOS Apps with UI Automation: Bug Hunting Made Easy (Short Video)

Check the description before buying!

The new Swift language will be your start. Try to find some Swift programming book.

Apple has a chanel on iTunes named: iTunesU. The 'U' is for University. There's a hole bunch of video courses there gived by Universities. There's also an App for iPad and iPhone.

The Tests

'The i … hardware shoping'

It's probebly time to go on the web shopping.

Try to find and/or buy some used i … something.

Test your code on it and verify that your App runs fine.

It's a must to have one of these or all of them: iPhone, iPad, iPodToutch.

When you start … keep it simple. One i …

Company have money to try different versions of hardware (4S, 5, 5S,6,6 Plus) (iPad 2, 3, Retina, Air). Have different hardwareis a goodidea too.

Try to determine on how many devices and iOS you want you App to be working.

Start developing with the latest iOS and/or MacOS (Opetating System). Mac lipstick shade lady danger.

And now we hate to had watchOS for Apple Watch

It's less iOS backword problems

The Community

'Where to find others'

Rumors: Mac Rumors

Coding Tips: AppCoda,DevFright,Swift iOS Tutorials

Coding Tips in French: Mindsers

A good place to Find, Exchange & Share code: Github (not for starters)

The Questions

'Where to find answers'

Almost all programming languages community help is there. Try to be as precise as you can in your questions.

Developer Survey Results

The YouTube

'YouTube suggestions'

All those channel are a good start.

Xcode: (Updated september 2017)

  • Free Code Camp (Complete training)
  • Jared Davidson … (Verry verry Good !!!)
  • Geekylemon,
  • Iffyperfect1983,
  • Kyle Begeman,

Share and work on the same project.
Training Guides

The Resources

'Resources suggestions'

List of Resources

Vidéo Collection (Updated July 2016)

Collection of videos about Mac, iOS and Swift.

How To Download Xcode
See People in real time coding
(Not sure if it's good way to learn)
(realy not sure it's a good thing to pay for that)


'Resources Conferences'

Events Conference List (Updated july 2017)

  • WWDC (Apple World Wide Developer Conference)
  • Swift Summit (The conference for Swift developers)
  • 360 Conferences (Good Alternative on the East Cost)

Texte Editor for Code

'Text Editor' Apple logic pro x free.

There are Text Editor for Code

The classic: BBEdit or Sublime Text.

That's an option, if you like to code outside Xcode.

Here's the link: Sublime Text, BBEdit Google drive folder on desktop mac.

Icons Maker

'Icons Maker'

Create great Icons (Free)

The App is Called: Prepo

You can download the App from the Mac App Store

Here's the link: Prepo

Now what …

Download Xcode 11 For Mac

Code … Code …. and Code

That's the best way to learn!
Try to code 30 min. a day with

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